
Wednesday, 26 October 2016

No More Warts

this week ive been reading a book about warts this is my poster of how to get rid of warts

Friday, 23 September 2016

Calender Art 2016

i love calendar nart but i chose to do the easyer one i felt happy when i was done it was easy

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

maths seprating 10 and 1

This week I've been learning about separating tens and ones I found it tricky. i found tricky was the start and then in the  middle it got  easy.  

Heres mine

Monday, 19 September 2016

Compound sentances

today in writing we learned about compound sentences heres mine

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Capctivity and volume

in maths we are learning about volume and capacity  volume   is how much is in the contanior at the time and capatity is how much is in a bottle can hold we filled up different contatiors with water and rice
Watch this Powtooon.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Free The Maui's .

Free The Maui's

I did a digital sandpit using an animation. I used google slides and shapes and images and then changed the embed code to make it play like a movie. Be The Change is about helping Maui Dolphins. At the moment they are getting caught in illegal and normal fishing nets. We need to release the dolphins from the fishing nets. If we don't the Maui dolphins might become extinct.

Thursday, 18 August 2016


we have been learning how  to use a blog rubrick to make our blog posts better n we choose  a  blog post off our blog and followed the rubrick to make it a quallity blog post

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Bonus: This year two sports are being reintroduced into the Olympic Games. They are golf and sevens rugby. Imagine that you worked for TVNZ and you were paid to travel to Rio de Janeiro to attend the Olympic Games and report on the golf and/or the rugby competitions. On your blog, write a poem that describes how you would feel about travelling to Rio. Would you be excited? Would you be scared? How would you feel?

I would feel  exited and scared and nerves i would be nervase because i might not get a single medal
and scared cause the plane might crash or i wouldn't make it their in time

shooting summer olimpic games

this is a photo of  me doing shooting a can with my hand gun 
about to shoot the 9 winning cans red blue green pink orange 
magenta hot pink and brown

heres the picture of me shooting with my hand gun

Fencing activity 1

 today for reading we are doing day 3 and i found this one easy. i had to . Click on the name of the one of the sports that is listed on the main page. If possible, choose one that you have never heard of before and read about it. After reading about the sport, post a short description of it on your blog. The post must include:

The name of the sport i chose is fencing because  i like how fencing is good for your strength and your brain and even your fighting skills

The aim of the sport
 form of combat sport between two fencers in which the aim is to land blows on the opponent’s target area body with a blunt-ended blade as many times as possible during a match. 

Two rules for the sport
1. rule. Fencers must salute one another and the referee at the beginning and end of the bout, with failure to do so can result in the loss of a point (the winner) or even suspension (the loser).

Image result for fencing2. rule. Points are scored by hitting your opponent in accordance with the specific requirements for the type of weapon being used (as detailed above).

what sport do you like in the olimpics?. 

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Monday, 8 August 2016

Olympic games Rio 2016

In reading we have been learning about the Olympic games. We are learning about the first Olympic games in grace in 776bc  this is day 1 activities heres a video about it

Monday, 4 July 2016

Making tens

for maths we have been doing  making tens i have made one heres my movie

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Thursday, 23 June 2016

This is my many colored days  poem we do it from think link. A web site on the internet we used it for our learning. We got the writing from our own brain. 

Friday, 27 May 2016

wallrus writing

we learned about wallruses and this is mine

wallrus writing

we learned about wallruses and this is mine

Friday, 20 May 2016

Snowflake the tiger

Snowflake the tiger
Se have been learning to write narratives. we looked at lots of picture books. We read Russel the sheep by rob scotton  we changed the main caractior we had to highlight the describing words.

Heres mine

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

my many colored days

My teacher read us a book called my many colored days i found the book a bit boring and funny i have these days and their not good most of the time. i wrote my own color poem.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Dragon writing

we have been writing about dragon writing here is a picture of the dragon we ad to write about

Naked Egg Experiment

on Wednesday the 25 of November we done a naked egg  experiment
you need 1 egg 1 jar white vinagar

first you gently put the egg in the jar and add the white vinagar

heres a video of the

grouth mindset mojo

we have been learning about people power it has been realy fun and tiring and fun
i think its very interesting that this is  part of our new values

heres a picture

Sun Set Art

this week we have been doing Sun Set art Hot and cold i found it a bit tricky with the smudging it made my finger sting because i was rubbing my finger on my pice of art work

here is my art work

             Apr 12, 2016 2:25:31 PM.jpg

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Make Their Day

We have been learning how to make peoples day
it was hard to stay still for so long but....

it was so fun

Day in a life of a shoe

We are learning to write a story that flows and shows a sequence.

My story is a day in a life of a shoe 

A Day In A Life Of A Shoe

Oh here we go again! He’s looking for me. I can hear Lukas's Mum saying, "Lukas find your new shoes or you will go to school in bare feet!!!.  
"No!" he said as he came into the room looking for his shoes.
As he came towards the bed, I was getting really excited, like a 6 year old at a birthday party.
He reached under the bed to grab me with his small hands like the softest pillow in the world.
I felt really, really, really, happy that I'm the chosen one.

He ran to his Mum. He yelled "Mum, Mum, Mum, I've found my new shoes"

Oh i haven't had fresh air for 2 weeks ! Lukas took me to school. He was tripping over and I got a rip in me.

It was when he was waiting at the rock. Then we went home and he hid me so his Mum didn't see it.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Spencer Park Trip

         Friday 26th  February 2016
On Friday we went to Spencer park it was fun but first wen we got off the bus it was warm and then we had morning tea and then we

went off to play it was fun i got wet in the big sand pit and then we went to the beach first we built a big hole my group didn't win

and then we had to build a hero out of sand i made Mrs mrgunitty
in a bikini and her hair blowing thru the wind after that we went home was exhausted and happy